Purva Bommireddy
Age 16, Middlesex County Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Technologies, South Plainfield, New Jersey
“Knowing that young people like me are taking to the streets and raising their voices to show that our generation doesn’t stand for the inaction of the world brings me hope.”
Purva, a first generation Indian American, was born in New Jersey and has lived in the ‘Garden State’ for her entire life. She is enthusiastic about using engineering for social change and strongly believes that we can find methods of mitigating climate and ecological issues through innovation. At her school, Purva leads a chapter of Bye Bye Plastic Bags NJ, a movement to ban plastic bags, and is constantly inspired by her peers and fellow youth who she works with on the project. Purva is excited to combine her passions of climate action and storytelling to share her narrative to inspire others to act for environmental justice.